How Erik the Bear got his wish

Dear children, I’m sure you remember the good Erik the bear who liked to go fishing and bake honey cakes. During his fishing trip he found a new friend, Red Squirrel, who went fishing with him. Little Red Squirrel wasn’t afraid of him like the other animals in the forest.

She felt that he was a good bear and was comfortable with him. As they were fishing, they caught a goldfish together, which told the bear that it would grant him a wish. And do you remember, children, his wish? Bear wished that the animals in the woods wouldn’t be afraid of him anymore. Now let’s find out if his wish actually came true.

How Erik The Bear Got His Wish
How Erik The Bear Got His Wish

Erik the bear hoped that one day his wish would come true. Erik and Red the squirrel went straight from the pond to the bear cub to bake a honey cake, as they had agreed together. Erik was happy that he could finally share his honey cake with someone. When they were at Teddy’s cottage in the middle of the dense forest, Red Squirrel was mixing the fragrant dough and Erik was adding honey. How tasty the goodness looked! When the cake had finished baking in the oven, Bear decided to decorate it with the nuts that his friend Red loves so much. So he added all the nuts he could find at home. Little Red saw that the bear was busy, so she quickly ran out of the small window in front of the cottage and shouted to the animals in the forest:

“We have honey cake for all the animals! Come and have some!”

Red hoped that the animals would hear her and that someone would come. The animals who heard this went boldly to the cottage. “Erik is my friend, you don’t have to be afraid of him, come in!” Welcome the animals Red the squirrel. Erik the bear did not know anything. He was putting cakes on the table when a fawn, a hedgehog, an owl, bunnies, and a little pink pig, along with Red the squirrel, crowded into his little wooden house. Bear didn’t understand what was going on, but he gave them all a nice treat. They all liked his honey cake, licked themselves behind the ears and chattered happily the whole time.

Then the bear realised that his wish had come true. At last the animals are not afraid of him and he has new friends. He was so happy that no one was afraid of him anymore. He was grateful not only to the goldfish, but also to the squirrel Red, who saw the good in him and decided to become his friend. He didn’t know if it was the goldfish who made his wish come true or his friend Red who called everyone, but he was really grateful. He was glad that no one was afraid of him anymore. We all know that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Anyone with a pure heart will find true friends.

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