The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

One day in early spring, a mama duck was impatiently walking around the eggs in her nest, waiting for all her ducklings to hatch. Suddenly, she heard the first “crunch”. One of the yellow ducklings was coming into the world. And soon, she heard the cluck a second and a third time. Only the fourth, the biggest of the eggs, still nothing. The mama duck circled around it, pecking at it with her beak to urge it on, but the duckling in the egg had yet to hatch.

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About Disobedient Goats

Bedtimestories About disobedient goats

In a lovely little house by the forest there lived a goat with her baby goats. The goats were very mischievous and often did not want to obey their mother. One day the mother goat had to go out to graze and before leaving she told the baby goats, “Keep the door closed until you hear my voice. I’ll bring you an udder full of milk.”

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Friends from the Black Forest

Fairy Tale For Children - Friends From The Black Forest

Beyond the iceberg and the black forests is a small kingdom. In it lives a wise king who has two cute and restless children. The little girl’s name is Rosie. She has beautiful brown eyes like chestnuts and long hair as black as a raven. Her cheeks are red and her skirt is always muddy. The boy’s name is Johnny. His brown hair stands on his head like pins and all we can see on his face is a smile.

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How The Animals Saved A Tree

How The Animals Saved A Tree

In the middle of one deep forest, there stood an mighty old oak tree. It had a beautiful crown, and its leaves were talked about far and wide. Its trunk was so huge that not even ten adults could circle it together with their arms. It had stood there for many years. And because it was so old, it was the wisest tree in the forest. Animals from all around came to it. Squirrels would come ask where the best nuts were, bears would come to complain about disobedient children, and birds would beg for permission to build their nests in it. None of the animals could imagine the forest without it.

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The Mouse Kaia And The Mouse Lilli

The Mouse Kaia And The Mouse Lilli

In an oak house deep in the forest, there lived a mouse named Kaia. She was a nice little mouse. She wore pink bows between her ears and pretty dresses. She took diligent care of her home and was friends with all the animals in the forest. In front of her home there was a garden where she grew vegetables. She picked her fruits in the forest. And that’s where her friend, mouse Lilli, lived as well. Her home was quite close to mouse Kaia’s. They visited each other and went for walks in the forest together. But now Lilli hasn’t come to see Kaia for a long time. Little mouse Kaia was worried about her friend and decided to visit her and find out what was happening.

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We Must Help Each Other

We Must Help Each Other

When it rains, there’s a lot of water everywhere. Lakes rise, rivers swell, and streams form on sidewalks. One time, the river in our village rose to such level that it nearly spilled out of its banks. The beavers and their friends the birds saved the day then. And they achieved it by helping each other. So what exactly happened?

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