A Pack Of Dogs In Alaska

A Pack Of Dogs In Alaska

Far from here, in a land called Alaska, there lived a pack of dogs. It wasn’t an ordinary pack of dogs. These dogs had strong bonds among them; they worked together and had saved one another’s lives many times. These dogs have an extraordinary job. Each of them wears a special harness. Not just a simple leash; it’s a harness which connects all the dogs in the pack. Together, they pull a sleigh behind them, and on that sleigh stands their master and his cargo.

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The Story Of the Polar Bear

The Story Of The Polar Bear

In the land of icebergs and snow, there lived a polar bear. He was a bit of a loner. He didn’t need friends or a polar bear wife. He was happy to live alone. He rode on ice floes, rolled around in the snow, and swam in the icy water. He did what he wanted, when he wanted, and he was happy that he didn’t have to take care of anyone. But one day something happened that changed the bear forever.

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Waterman Scruff At The Frozen Pond

Waterman Scruff At The Frozen Pond

It was February. Mornings were still frosty and now and then, a few snowflakes fell. A blanket of snow was still covering the hills and ice glistened on the surface of ponds and lakes. A stately willow tree stood by one of the ponds. And every day, waterman Scruff sat in that willow tree. He wore a warm green coat and a red cap, his periwinkle-green hair sticking out from under it. The waterman sat in the willow tree above the pond every day, watching over his friends the carps and catfish who lived in the pond.

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How the fairy Jasmine helped Jane

Fairy tale for children - How fairy helped Jane

In a far away village there was a small house. A little girl lived there with a fluffy dog. Her name was Jane. A black-haired girl with brown eyes and a beautiful smile. But right now she was sad. She was standing on the sidewalk in front of her house, holding a leash for her dog. He sat faithfully beside her. They were both looking at the house and looking sad.

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