Little girl Vicky and a wild dog

A Fairy Tale for Children - Little Girl Vicky And A Wild Dog

Behind a few hills and a few valleys there stood a small village. At the edge of the village, near the forest, was a small house. Vickyi lived there with her parents. She was a little girl full of energy. She loved sports and her favourite thing was to run. Every day she ran in the forest. She jumped over sticks and small streams, dodged branches and always ran outside the forest to a beautiful clearing. There she sat in the grass and enjoyed the view of the whole village. She loved it there. It was such a favorite place of hers. It was quiet and it was not easy to run there. And she liked it very much.

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How the wind talked the sad raindrop into falling

Tale at Night - How The Wind Talked The Sad Raindrop Into Falling

When autumn comes, the leaves start to fall outside. But not just leaves. Often, raindrops fall too. Outside the windows, it’s drizzly. It’s getting cold. Dark clouds gather in the sky and then drop waterfalls of raindrops on the ground, watering the soil. It’s the kind of weather we like to watch out the window. There are too many raindrops falling from the sky. I know the story of one raindrop that was different. It looked like the others, but it didn’t act like them.

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Mary and her grandmother Rosalie

Tale for Reading - Mary And Her Grandmother Rosalie

High in the mountains stood a beautiful wooden cottage. You could hardly see it because it was hidden behind the biggest trees. Grandma Rosalie lived there. But she often had a company. Her granddaughter, Mary, came to visit her almost all the time. She loved holidays at her grandmother’s, so she was there more often than at home. It’s safe to say she lived there. Mary was a cute little girl with curly hair. She was brave and curious and wanted to know everything and try everything. Every day at her grandmother Rosalie’s she had an adventure.

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How Swimmy did the right thing

Tales for Reading - How Swimmy Did The Right Thing

In a country where there are hardly any trees, just a lot of sand and a huge sea all around, there lived a little boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near the beach. The windows of his room looked out to the sea. In the morning he was awakened by the chirping of seagulls flying to the edge of the sea and in the evening he was lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves. Because he loved the water and was always swimming and diving, everyone called him Swimmy.

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Stars that help children

Fairy Tale For Children - About The Stars That Help Children

When the evening comes and the night falls, the stars light up the sky. Some are smaller, some are bigger. One shines less, the other more. Their little lights are seen by children all over the country. They spread out across the whole sky and give us a sign that it’s time to go to bed. But these stars don’t just shine, they keep an eye on the children. From their great height, they can see beautifully into children’s bedrooms. They keep an eye on who’s having bad dreams, or help children fall asleep. When it’s evening and all is quiet, the stars keep their little eyes and ears open and listen to see which child needs their help.

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Magical Flowers

Tale for Reading - Magical Flowers

There once was a beautiful green valley. Flowers of different colours grew there. They all had a wonderful smell. Each one smelled different. All you had to do was close our eyes and breathe gently near one of them and you would get dizzy. But little did anyone know that each of these flowers had magical powers. When someone who was lying smelled it, green spots appeared on his face and body. He just turned almost all green. And it took a long time to get his color back.

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How Little Hannah Cheered Someone Up

How Little Hannah Cheered Someone Up

When autumn comes, the sun starts setting earlier, more clouds frequently gather in the sky, and often there is a rainy period. Sometimes it rains for a little while, but sometimes it rains for entire weeks. One time, such bad weather came to our village as well. It was very windy and the clouds gathered up together. It was a proper storm. But when the storm passed, it kept on raining.

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Carlton and The Book Adventure

Carlton And The Book Adventure

The entire city had already gone to sleep, except for a small light shimmering in one window. It was in an attic room. There, beneath the covers, a small boy named Carlton was hiding. He was shining a flashlight at the book he was reading. He was supposed to have been asleep for a long time now. He liked books and reading so much that he couldn’t tear himself away from them. Right now, he was reading about two friends saving a koala bear from poachers. Both boys were in danger and their koala too. It was very suspenseful. Carlton was literally devouring each word. When he turned the page, something strange appeared instead of the next part of the story. A sort of a magical incantation – words written in a different font.

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