Curious little girl Valentine

In a little house on the edge of a village, a little, cheerful girl named Valentine lived with her family. Her name was charming and beautiful, just like herself. The brown-haired little girl was only three years old, but she was very clever and curious.

She loved playing with toys, exploring the beauty of nature, such as all kinds of beautiful flowers, and she also loved playing with her older siblings. However, there is one thing that the brown-haired little girl loved the most, and that was drawing. That’s why her mother always bought her various coloring books, colored paper or crayons and markers to take home.

Curious Little Girl Valentine
Curious Little Girl Valentine

Valentine hoped that one day she would be able to draw her favourite doll. One sunny morning, the little girl was playing with her favorite doll, Ruby, in her candy-pink room. Little Valentine was dressing her up, as if they were having tea together. “There, now let me try drawing you again!” said the brown-haired little girl to herself. Valentine tidied up her little table in her room, her mother brought her paper and crayons, and she propped her doll against the pencil case opposite. As Valentine tried and tried, somehow she still couldn’t get it right. “What if I lay down on the paper? You put a pencil around me and then we’ll draw it together!” Something suddenly sounded. Valentine looked around her room, but all she could see was the closet, the crib, or the toys, not understanding where the voice was coming from.

“Hello, who’s here?” The little girl asked in a soft voice. Suddenly, her Ruby doll moved and waved her over. She’s real! Valentine couldn’t believe her eyes, but she was glad that her favourite Ruby doll was real. So the little girl listened to the doll, laid the doll on the paper, put a pencil around it, and it really looked good! The little girl found that it was easier to learn to draw this way. Then she put the doll on its side and tried to draw its hair, face and clothes, while Ruby cheerfully supported her.

“Thank you for the idea! You’re a wonderful friend!” said Valentine to her. The little girl finished drawing the doll and ran into the kitchen to show her mother her creation. “Look! I drew Ruby!” She bragged to her. Mommy was very surprised and delighted at the same time at how well the little girl had drawn her doll. “Wow, Valentine! Cool! Way to go!” She told her and kissed her daughter on the forehead. When Valentine returned to her room to continue drawing more of her ideas, her Ruby doll was still on the table. The little girl spoke to her, but the doll didn’t respond. Valentine didn’t know what was happening, but she kept drawing.

Children have happy minds full of all sorts of ideas, but Valentine still believed that her favourite doll would one day come to life again. And maybe it would happen just when the little girl would need her again. Not only did the little girl get better at drawing, but her creations even travelled to exhibitions at the nursery, and that was only because one morning the sweet doll gave her a small but very valuable piece of advice.

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